
My tea's gone cold, I'm wondering why
I got out of bed at all the morning breeze clouds up my window
and I can see at all ..the date tree is swinging with breeze..the claimate is so cold.
i think that it's not so bad it's Raining....breezy drizzling ,The light shines though my window..The birds are chirping loudly...see the bright sun...Today is a new day...And It's Going to be Beautiful........

Friday, May 14, 2010

An Evening in Riyadh

yesterday we return to home in shaqra.after shopping in riyadh...we face sandstrom.from last night but now Climate change  .THANK GOD..after sand strom here is always light drizzling.or some raining.wow its so awesome like it:)
1st image taken from arabnews.com
2nd one is taken by me:)
after sandstrom Climate change:) but this sandstrom is not heavy..its good for me:)
sun set in riyadh:)

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