
My tea's gone cold, I'm wondering why
I got out of bed at all the morning breeze clouds up my window
and I can see at all ..the date tree is swinging with breeze..the claimate is so cold.
i think that it's not so bad it's Raining....breezy drizzling ,The light shines though my window..The birds are chirping loudly...see the bright sun...Today is a new day...And It's Going to be Beautiful........

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Back to India = Good Bye Saudi Arabia

Im leaving SaudiArabia ..i just feel very bad.i feel Saudi Arabia is my home country(ofcourse i love my india)....just feel like a home.
i wish i could die in saudi arabia,this is our Prophet's(p.b.u.h) country...here is giving respect with women and child.very apriciated,who said SaudiArabia is very strict with women? thats not True.this is our traditional values what we follow. no strict rules here...giving respect with women ...SaudiArabia is better then other countries for women living......no kiddnapping , no Eve teasing.. every thing what's wrong with women in other countries..there is never face here.......i have no time to upload some picture here.when i return to india i upload photos one by one:)))

our flight(SaudiAirlines) is on 7 nth July.After Fajr salah ,so we  went to  Riyadh tomarrow our uncles home:))

P.S:Thank God for the blessing of Islam all these things from the blessing of Islam


  1. Who said to u that there is no kidnaping and eveteasing.My dear here EVERYTHING is there.I will elborate on this topic as i gets time. Urs same commenter.

  2. May be Your right..but its happaning rarely in major cities.. with indian people..iam right?the kidnappers are from "philippines & Bangladeshis,who liivng with K.S.A for work,but when iam going out side i never faced any thing wrong or bad.that's why i posted this,Yes i read it Arab News what happend with women i know,but i didnot want to expose about bad things(Negative Things")in SaudiArabia..but iam sure giving respect with women is very apriciated..i know some bad people there ,but all are not bad......this is our prophet country thats why i like very much Saudi Arabia:)

  3. ya its our prophet's country so v r respecting saudi arabia.well there are r many negetive things of KSA nd same case of other countries.Any how keep writing blogs nd please let me know.I will be cheking nd reading ur blogs . Ur same old commenter friend MR.INDIAN

  4. ASSALAMUALAIKUM didi...today i saw ur blog my father and dis 1 both r ausum...but dis shaqra blog is vry touchy by seeiing dis i reminded my old days means my journey 4m jedaah to india...mee too i love saudi arabia a lot as its our prophet's country even my wish is to live my whole life in saudi arabia....MASHALLAH u did a great job INSHALLAH i will be reading ur blogs regularly and keep me in ur precious supplications...i jst pray dat ALLAH plz giv evry muslim a chance to see MAKKAH and MADINA.....ameeeeeeen...MAASSALAAM.....
    ur small sis..

  5. hey thanks for staying here&fantastic comments :)keep in touch:)

  6. hi! you lived in shaqra? do you've some more pics of it? i was born and spent my childhood there....
