
My tea's gone cold, I'm wondering why
I got out of bed at all the morning breeze clouds up my window
and I can see at all ..the date tree is swinging with breeze..the claimate is so cold.
i think that it's not so bad it's Raining....breezy drizzling ,The light shines though my window..The birds are chirping loudly...see the bright sun...Today is a new day...And It's Going to be Beautiful........

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Shaqraa is a small city in Najd area,the city near AR Riyad very peaceful& beautiful city.....shaqra,some ppl called shagra,shakra.
im staying few months only with my parents because my dad think back to india ,(whos working as a prof of english in shaqra college of arts &science(under king saud university) know as known (Shaqra University)my dad didn't renued his contract becuse he have lots of responsibiites in india ,so i share some photos when im going out side, in my dad free time , i captured some images, if it possible to captured..Alhumdulillah!
,if it not possible to captured, insha'allah another time to captured..

It is not that great town .. it is small .. the population is about 35'000. The name "Shagra" means "blonde" or "blondie" which is taken from "the blonde mountain" which is north of Shagra.

It is 190 KMs northwest to Riyadh .. the road to it is not bad. It is double lane from Riyadh to the town of Hurimla (85 KMs from Riyadh) .. and it is still double lane highyway for a few kilometers .. then it is one lane until about 10 KMs of Shagra. The gas stations are a few so be sure to fill in the tank and be careful of camels on the road.

Shagra's important because it is a good farms area that surrounds it from everywhere. And also, was strategically trading place with Yemen and Kuwait (and maybe some other countries/cities).